Novosti iz RCHTA Chicago iHobby Expo Trade Show 2004

Novosti s področja letalskega modelarstva, pravilniki ...

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Novosti iz RCHTA Chicago iHobby Expo Trade Show 2004

OdgovorNapisal/-a mihah » 10.11.2004, 22:30 ... 98&id=4652

Takoj pritegnilo pozornost:

And speaking of good news in lipo-land, Apogee was displaying a couple of new large-sized packs: 5S3P and 4S3P 7.4AH. But, the real news was that they are going to be wiring their packs for a new charge guard and balancer device that will both protect against overcharging and also balance the cells. Unlike the PCM guard used with, say, Polyquest packs, Apogee's device will not sit between the pack and the charger but rather will plug into the pack via a dedicated connector while the pack is connected to the charger via the normal connector used to connect to the ESC. The device then detects if a cell has reached max charge and starts to discharge the high cell until balance is achieved.

Torej če se ne motim (!) je to nekaj takega kot se uporablja v notebookih pri vezavi več akujev zaporedno in vzporedno.

Koliko bo potem cena takih pakov je vprašanje. Ampak se sigurno izplača že samo zaradi varnosti.

Verjetno bodo ostali sledili kmalu.
Sakura Racing XI Sport Master (Endurance, stock, mild modified, modified), Hyper GTB E, Tekno EB48, itd...
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